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Enter geleian

User needs, our pursuit

Our company is the only one in the north of Jiangsu Province to the construction of the construction of mud, the construction of environmentally friendly treatment of mud for the technical research and production of professional bodies

Our service

Companies adhere to the "customer needs, our pursuit of" core values, adhering to the concept of innovation, integration of quality resources, the pursuit of customer satisfaction, advocating teamwork
High grade, high quality, high quality service to actively explore the market, continuous access to R & D patents and certificates

In 2013 by the Xuzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau audit acceptance

A total of more than and 200 service outlets

A total of 25 product patent certificate


National leading brand and marketing network

大田县| 拉萨市| 泸定县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 新宁县| 如东县| 南召县| 彰武县| 依兰县| 瓦房店市| 洛川县| 安阳县| 车险| 靖远县| 宽甸| 平邑县| 桐梓县| 仁寿县| 彰武县| 丰都县| 南京市| 东源县| 喀什市| 天气| 枝江市| 富裕县| 安塞县| 石楼县| 丰原市| 东辽县| 乌兰浩特市| 鄱阳县| 雅江县| 信丰县| 明星| 宣汉县| 衡南县| 丽水市| 新郑市| 沙田区| 安达市|